Manga and anime are very popular themes in tattooing. The Anime are heterogeneous subjects and are related to manga comics and cartoons originally created and developed in Japan.
Manga can be about different subjects, adventure, horror, romance, history, science fiction or erotic, and consequently the design of the characters and the events involving them can change a lot between each other, with language that is aimed at children, teenagers, or adults.

Often after the success of a manga, the starring anime becomes so popular that it breaks away from the original manga to give rise to new adventures and new manga series.

Anime often has ‘classic’ common characteristics: a simple design but with extreme details, such as unnatural hairstyles and hair colours, or oversized eyes and body shapes that are sometimes stylised and others dissected in minute detail. They are often human beings with super powers, sometimes representing the good, sometimes the evil, and show their predominant characters in dynamic, at times futuristic actions.

Contrary to popular belief, nowadays anime is not only Japanese and manga but they can also be Western, which is why in tattooing many subjects are westernised and with characteristics that move away from the classical characteristics of Japanese anime, linking up with aspects of styles with more realistic, more fantasy or new school aspects.

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