Keep folklore alive and pass it on. This is the mission of an elegant tattoo artist who works in lovely Vienna in a timeless oasis called ‘Schwarzdorn’.

Konstanze, how did you become a tattoo artist?
I come from Austria, where I have been tattooing for 14 years. What always mattered to me were plants and drawing so this career was sort of a natural conclusion. I was a gardener and landscape designer before and that’s a connection that you’ll never lose. Nowadays I take care only of my own garden. Also the flower wreaths I wear at conventions I make myself.

You brilliantly defined your style as “folklorenoire”. When did this artistic tendency – this so called “folklorenoire” – become part of your life?
My heart always longed for some roots. The traditional patterns of rural furniture, clothings, plates etc. evoke a feeling of a wholesome world (heile Welt) like a cozy fireplace, a buzzing summer garden, a midsummer celebration… Noir describes on the one hand my preferred color and on the other it links to the more mythical and dark side of folklore.

Where did this “spark” come from?
The spark was lit in my grandma’s log house around 2019, where I fascinatedly abstracted a painted cupboard into a tattoo design. Since then I look with closer attention, when I am in the countryside and collecting impressions of folk art and rural living.

This also includes coming together for local customs like vernal bonfires, maypole climbing, herb consecration etc. And speaking with the people, so you hear the folktales that go along with this topic.
It’s a sort of mission to preserve and share, so it will not be forgotten in future generations.
As folklore is a lived tradition, you rarely find reliable books or see it in big museums, even less on the internet – it’s the people that keep this art alive.

How delicate does your touch have to be to achieve all those minute details that adorn your works on the skin of your customers?
Actually my designs are quite bold and scaled to the body parts. The idea is that they look decorative and readable even from a distance. The secret behind might be not to overcrowd the motive, giving it space and showing enough skin around.

This is how even large-scale tattoos still look delicate on the body. Yes, speaking of delicate touch, my clients often tell me they almost dreamed away during the quite long sessions.

Who was (if any) the greatest mentor in your life?
Since I’m mostly self taught, I did not have a mentor. When traveling and exchanging with other artists I learned a lot and still every guest spot yields something new and valuable.

Of course the artists I got tattooed by influenced me, especially in their dedication about their work, like Lord Lips (IG: @lord_lips) or Alexander Grim (IG: @alexandergrim). Also my partner is a true amplification for my work. We share the same vision of aesthetics and way of living. We celebrate the old customs according to the seasons, explore historical places, and also hike and hunt together.

Can you describe ‘Schwarzdorn’ that is your private studio in Vienna?
This is the German name for the Blackthorn plant, which was planted for protection around the house and home and its wood was used for making wands. Since 2012 ‘Schwarzdorn’ (IG: @schwarzdorn.ttt) has been based in a typical 1900 Viennese Art Nouveau building.
On the lower floor there is the studio. Upstairs is the oil painting atelier and also our home.
I mostly work alone, but regularly welcome friends and artists I admire for guest spots. It’s a cozy place that lets you forget about the busy world outside a bit.

Which will be your major events (tattoo conventions, guest spots etc) for the summer 2024?
Currently we are looking for a new home. So this year we are fully dedicated to the house search and it’s the first time I have no travelling plans. Regularly I visit Berlin at Carina Anne’s (IG: @carina_anne_) and Cologne at Lorena Morato’s place (IG: @lore.morato). For 2025 I’m already looking forward to travelling again!

And your last famous words are… ?
Go outside, walk the old paths and discover the everburning fire inside. Help keeping traditions alive.